Summer is summer everywhere! In some places, you’d find bearable heat but there are places which are next to the burning heat of hell. In any of the situations, it is very important for you to keeps yourself - specifically the underneath dry and moisture-free. It can have effects on your skin and your personality as well (in the long run).

This summer, make sure you take good care of your underneath and avoid these mistakes.
Do not stay in your swimwear for long :
We understand that when you hit the beach, you want to stay in the water as long as possible. However, how feasible is it for you to carry on moving around in your damp men’s swimwear? The same can have adverse effects like rashes or infections below the belt.

Don’t shave just the day before you sport your pair:
This aspect is about the swimwear and men’s underwear as well. Supposedly you are planning to go for your morning jog just like every day, make sure you don’t expose your open pores. Open pores? Just like every time you shave your bikini line as a part of the skin care tips, make sure you don’t expose them in the open. This will attract infections.
Repetitive underwear :
You sweat all day and every day because that’s what summer is all about. If you are considering to repeat your undershirt or men’s running shorts, you must rethink about doing something like this. How would you feel when your armpits or below the belt will stink like a rotten fish? Even if you leave that aside, there’s something called as hygiene which you need to take care of.
Avoid tight clothes:
We understand that form fit is necessary but many men out there are not able to figure out the thin line between the tight clothes and form fitted ones. Avoid tight ones because they’ll cause chafing, rashes and red marks that can cause a lot more trouble for you. They even take the time to heal properly.

Leaving your manhood breathless:
It is quite obvious that you cannot roam around at work without clothes even when you so want to do it. But, there’s always an option to do the same when you come back home. Shed your clothes and lie down on the bed for a while to get the intimate areas dry. Head to the bath and repeat the same. Once dried, slip into comfortable clothing articles.

What’s your idea of beating the summer heat?
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